630-229-5006 [email protected]

What is an Annual Percentage Rate (APR) ?

Key Concepts APR attempts to factor in upfront costs to deliver a true “cost of financing” which is typically higher than the interest rate on your mortgage APR relies on human input and variables that can be manipulated to a certain extent. Thus, it’s an imperfect...

Definition of Mortgage Rates: What Are They Really?

Key Concepts Mortgage rates are interest rates on home loans There are really TWO mortgage rates: the interest rate (or “note rate”) applied to your loan amount (or “principal”) and the rate implied by certain upfront costs (the “effective rate”). APR (Annual...

Mortgage Guidelines Are loosening

In the fourth quarter of 2016 we witnessed a great number of mortgage lenders loosen their approval standards.  We also saw a spike in interest rates, but if history is an indicator of where interest rates are going for the remainder of 2017, rates should flatten or...